Literatureinstieg zu "Humor in der Werbung"

  • Belch, GE. Belch, MA., (1984)
    "Investigation of the Effects of Repetition on Cognitive and Affective Reactions to Humorous and Serious Television Commercials", Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 11, pp.4-10.
  • Murphy, HM. Cunningham, ICM. Wilcox, GB., (1979)
    "Impact of Program Environment on Recall of Humorous Television Commercials", Journal of Advertising, Vol. 8, pp.17-21.
  • Perry, SD. Jenzowsky, SA. King, CM. Yi, H. Hester, JB. Gartenschlaeger, J, (1997)
    "Using humorous programs as a vehicle for humorous commercials", Journal of Communication, Vol. 47 (1), pp.20-39.
  • Weinberger, MG. Spotts, HE., (1989)
    "Humor in United States Versus UK TV Commercials - A Comparison", Journal of Advertising, Vol. 18 (2), pp.39-44.
  • Irka Schneider, Humor in der Werbung (2005)